Friday 17 December 2010

Away in A Manger

Away in A Manger sung on Sesame Street (cool tip, Teach Yourself Spanish with Sesame Street) its a great way to learn using childrens television.

Away in a Manger translated into Spanish:-

Jesús en pesebre, sin cuna, nació; 
Su tierna cabeza en heno durmió. 
Los astros, brillando, prestaban su luz 
al niño dormido, pequeño Jesús.

Los bueyes bramaron y Él despertó, 
mas Cristo fue bueno y nunca lloró. 
Te amo, oh Cristo, y mírame, sí, 
aquí en mi cuna, pensando en ti.

Te pido, Jesús, que me guardes a mí, 
amándome siempre, como te amo a ti. 
A todos los niños da tu bendición, 
y haznos más dignos de tu gran mansión.

Sunday 12 December 2010


If you have begun to 
teach yourself Spanish you may have come across Dipthongs. A good one for me is Reinas (Queens) - which is the name of a film. 
A “Diphthong” is the name given to the combination of a strong vowel (A/E/O) and a weak vowel (I/U) or two weak vowels together forming a single syllable.  In such instances you should pronounce both vowels clearly, but together in the same breath. An example of a Spanish diphthong is the “AI” combination in “bai-le” (dance) or the “UE” combination in “bue-no” (good). 


Aire: air
Laura: female name
Serio: serious
Siempre: always
Remedio: remedy
Rubio: blond
Suave: soft
Rueda: wheel
Puerro: leek
Ruido: noise
Abierto: open
Estudio: studio
Fuerte: strong
Puerto: port
Tierra: ground, earth
Siete: seven
Ciudad: city
Labio: lip
Canción: song
Europa: Europ

Sunday 5 December 2010

State of Alarm

Spanish air traffic controllers went on strike this week. The government took a very hard line, created a state of alarm, called in the military and sent them back to work. 

Add spanish flash cards for :-

Government -  el gobierno
state of alarm -  Estado de Alarma

The photo shows the beautiful Madrid Airport terminal